Update by Oriel, Jerusalem Israel
The yearly celebrations for Jerusalem day include Singing and dancing in the streets of Jerusalem till the early hours of the morning, parades through downtown Jerusalem, educational television programs, lectures on Jerusalem based topics, tours of the Old city of Jerusalem (with free admission)and our children study at school the significance of Jerusalem.
On the 10th of June 1967 on the last day of the six day war, the Old City of Jerusalem including the temple month came under Israeli control. Today (According to the Hebrew lunar calendar) we are celebrating the reunification of Jerusalem.
Israel was declared a nation on May the 14th 1948, the war of independence which followed left Jerusalem divided into two halfs, the old city with the temple mount was captured the Jordanians while the new city remained in Israeli (Jewish) hands.
In 1967 the Arab nations had surrounded Israel imposed a naval blockade and massed millions of troops around her borders declaring they would drive her into the sea. Only a miracle could save Israel. The war lasted 6 days and we rested on the seventh day.
verse 32 "I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened”What does this mean for Gentile believers in Jesus? It means that focus and the kingdom will be returned to Jerusalem and Jerusalem will become the head of the nations with Jesus himself on the throne here on the Earth. See Isaiah 2;3-4
Clearly we are living in a time of transition. The time of the Gentiles is ending and God is establishing Jerusalem again to be the head of the nations. God’s message to us is............
“And give him no rest, till he establishes, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth. Isaiah 62:7.”
Are you aware to what God’s top priority in the very day we are living in? God himself is not resting until Jerusalem, For Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth, Isaiah 62,1
I want to comment on the article regarding "this generation":
ReplyDelete”For millennia, Jews have feared the Christian threats implied in the "Return of ." But all of the “NT” prophecies indicate that the return of "" should have paralleled the restoration of the State of Israel, within the same generation (40 years). According to the prophecies, the return has occurred but, again like the prophecies (Hebrew Ma•tit•yâh′ u 24.37—for Jews who would like to be able to cite the passage for Christians), "As it was in the days of No′ akh… they did not know until the Ma•bul′ came and picked them all up." Christian doctrine holds the self-contradiction that, although "every eye shall see him," the masses will be entirely unaware of his return! All Christians understand that this means "every eye" of those "in the know" (assumed to be Christians) will see him while all others will remain unaware. What a jolt for them to discover that they are the ones who didn’t see his return, that it was they who are being "Left Behind" unless they flock to Tor•âh′ !
In light of all of this, and corroborating all of the prophecies in Ta•na"kh′ plus those in The Nәtzârim Reconstruction of Hebrew Matityâhu (NHM), the return of Rib′ iYәho•shu′ a has to be a return "in spirit." Only the manifestation in the Nәtzâr•im′ , reinvigorating his authentic teachings (his spirit) as an historical Pharisee, makes sense of Rib′ i Yәho•shu′ a returning to satisfy all of the prophecies. It’s also the only rational and scientifically-compatible solution not requiring a supernatural magical event (that contradicts an Unchanging Perfect Creator of perfect laws of the universe)… and the kicker is: he’s teaching Tor•âh′ , not, lә-hav•dil′ , Christianity!!!
Thus, after 2,000 years, "the Return" of the messiah turns out to be a revival of his Spirit in the form of his restored Tor•âh′ teachings, not a magical character making people disappear from an airplane. (No, I'm merely a spokesman, Tor•âh′ -teacher. I don’t imagine myself to be the Mâ•shi′ akh. To paraphrase 1960s "Smothers Brothers" TV comedian Pat Paulsen: my platform is "if nominated I won’t run; if elected I won’t serve.") Conclusion: the Nәviy•im′ and Rib′ i Yәho•shu′ a (as recorded in The Nәtzârim Reconstruction of Hebrew Matityâhu (NHM)) referred to the return of the Mâ•shi′ akh Bën-Yo•seiph′ "in spirit."
(quote: www.netzarim.co.il)