Weekly update by Oriel.
The Hebrew name “Shavuot” (meaning weeks) is derived from the 7 weeks we are commanded to count, and The Greek name “Pentecost” (50) is because the actual feast was on the 50th day; after we had finished counting down 7 weeks (49 days) the actual feast was to be the day after the Shabbat which brings us to the 50th day.
“Even unto the morrow after the seventh Sabbath shall you number fifty days Leviticus 23:16; three times in a year shall all thy males appear before the Lord…. Feast of weeks…….. And they shall not appear before the Lord Empty.”The 49 day countdown of this feast is called the “counting of the Omer” Which will be explained in the full version of this post if you click the link below.
The picture above, a Jewish family dressing in white celebrating Shavuot at the Western Wall Jerusalem.
We celebrate this feast by staying awake studying the Torah all night and then dressing in white among other customs.
The white symbolizes the purity of the bride for the bridegroom.
Israel departed from Egypt on the evening of Passover; 50 days later Israel received the Law on Mont Sinai. Every Jew knows that the climax of leaving Egypt was the giving of the Law which was the day Israel became Gods wife. In this case we need to take heed to the rabbinical interpretation. Israel was commanded to sanctify herself today and tomorrow and on the third day the Lord their creator would meet them personally. This was the day Israel became God’s wife. Israel was to be awake all night waiting for the bridegroom. While waiting for the bride groom Israel fell asleep and was awakened by the sound of trumpets Every year we celebrate this feast we are reminded of Israel’s failure to be ready for the bride groom. The bride was asleep when the bride groom arrived and this was very shameful. She was woken by the sound of the thunder and lightning.
Because Israel missed her bride groom she must compensate, this is called “Tekoon” (repair) in Hebrew, now we must stay awake all night so this time we won’t miss the bridegroom. We also wear white to remind us of the wedding day with our creator and the purity of the bride.
Pentecost is the only feast of Israel which hasn't a set day there for was known as in Jesus' time as "The feast which no man knows the day or the hour."
Please click this link for the full teaching.
Oriel is an Israeli believer in the Lord Jesus. If you would like to help him and other Israeli believers see: Blessing Israeli Believers
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